Shattered Sphere (Yellow Cedar)

Shattered Sphere by Brent Comber Shattered Sphere by Brent Comber Shattered Sphere by Brent Comber
Artist: Comber, Brent
Category: Developer
Status: Existing
Sponsor: Commissioned by Grosvenor Americas in partnership with the District of North Vancouver’s Public Art Program


As seen in nature, life constantly divides and reforms and makes new again. Resembling known three-dimensional shapes such as the earth, the shattered sphere exudes the energy of creation through the light, escaping through the cracks. It is a form that represents energy in the midst of organic reorganization.


3260 Edgemont Blvd.

Yellow Cedar - Chamaecyparis nootkatensis


About the artist

Brent Comber is a North Vancouver based artist specializing in creating sulpted objects, functional pieces and designed environments.