Crest Adera Projects Ltd. in cooperation with the City of North Vancouver Developer Public Art Program is pleased to invite interested Artist/Artist Teams to submit their qualifications for the creation of public art as part of the Crest development project in North Vancouver . The proposed artwork ‘Public Realm’ will engage and inspire the residents and visitors within the development and its landscape environment.
This Artist Call will be a two-stage artist or artist team selection process. The first stage is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Up to five (5) short-listed artists will proceed to the Stage Two Concept Development Phase and will receive $1,500 each to develop a concept proposal for presentation to the Artist Selection Panel.
The location of the artwork is to be integrated within the development. It is important that the completed artwork can be easily viewed, realized and noticed by pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. One example of this is at the various entry points to the townhomes. Conceptually the proposed artwork theme ‘PUBLIC REALM’ highlights the North Shore and the West Coast natural landscapes that complement the architectural and landscape design of the Crest development.
Potential location of the art installations along East 8th Street and along East 11th Street in the City of North Vancouver will provide opportunities for engaging with the public and will offer the opportunity to tell a story through a series of pieces. The artwork will permit the artist to showcase through bold visual and vertical artwork features and structures. The artwork can utilize a variety of materials: natural elements, lighting, glazing, metal, or similar materials and/or can be a functional element of the location, setting or entryway.
Please download the PDF for full project details and submission requirements.
Open to artists and artist teams in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, and Oregon.

All submissions and inqeries to be emailed to Crest Adera Projects Ltd. attn: Sarah Bingham at and Public Art Consultant Kari Huhtala at