LV Wildlife Panels

Artist: Dam de Nogales, Veronica & Edwin
Category: Developer
Status: Existing
Sponsor: Bosa Developments + DNV Public Art Program


There are many species of wildlife that can be regularily spotted in and around Lynn Valley.  Several of the most common, the eagle, black bear, coyotee, salmon and deer can be found dipicted on sculptural bronze panels around this project development.   


Bronze Panels

About the Artists: 
Veronica de Nogales Leprevost, born in Barcelona in 1970, and Edwin Timothy Dam, born in Hamilton, Ontario in the same year, met at an art exhibition in 1997 at the Gereralitat de Barcelona. Discovering that they shared an intense curiosity for life, nature and sculpting, they married and began exhibiting together. Over time it became increasingly difficult to distinguish the works of one from the other so they began to sculpt together, co-signing each work that they created. Now residing in Canada, the pair create large scale public sculptures.