The committee is a volunteer body consisting of five impartial and qualified members with appropriate experience and expertise in the arts, as well as cultural and community-based practices.
The committee evaluates funding applications submitted to the Arts & Culture Grants program and, based on the established criteria, makes recommendations to the commission regarding the disbursement of grant funds on an annual basis.
All members of the committee are appointed by motion of the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission and must be residents of North Vancouver.
Committee members are initially appointed for a two-year term; however, appointments can be extended to a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The composition, roles and responsibilities the committee are governed by a procedural terms of reference.
Every effort is made to ensure that:
- The committee represents a breadth of experience and expertise in and across a wide range of artistic practices and cultural traditions: visual, studio and gallery arts; community-engaged arts practices; music, dance, theatre and other performing arts; community events; cultural celebrations; community public art projects; as well as the local not-for-profit sector generally.
- Openings on the committee are made available and accessible to all resident populations in North Vancouver.
- The composition of the committee reflects the diverse populations and lived experience of people in North Vancouver.