We have junior programs for ages 6-18 years old, from scratch beginners to internationally ranked players.
The program is split into three ‘streams’:
Recreational for players just learning the game.
Competitive for players with more skill and experience.
Tournament for players aspiring to play at high provincial levels and beyond
For all our 10 years and under players, we use the International Tennis Federation endorsed Red/Orange/Green system of modified courts and balls scaled for the size and abilities of children. Click on this fact sheet to learn about the approach and its advantages to your child’s development ROG Fact Sheet.
The NVTC junior pathway is designed by Tennis Director & Level 4 coach, Wayne Elderton. Each stream and program is targeted to specific ages and levels of players and their unique stages of development.
NVTC uses the ROG (Red/Orange/Green) system of scaled ball and courts designed for the size and age of the child (Like ‘T-ball’ and mini-soccer). This system is used internationally by all the top tennis nations. All programs have a 1-court/1-coach/6 player ratio.
Our recreational programs have 2 separate ‘streams’:
‘TRY-IT’ STREAM: Designed for players with little or no experience to learn how to serve, rally and score. These are introduction to tennis programs that are scheduled once per week and run for one season (Fall/Winter/Spring).
Red Try-it (6-7 yrs)
Orange Try-it (8-9 yrs)
Green Try-it (10-11 yrs)
Teen Try-it (12-16 yrs)
‘PLAY-IT’ STREAM: Designed for players with tennis experience who can already serve, rally & score. The program develops foundational skills to play successful tennis for life. The program is scheduled like other sports with a 2 practices a week (after school week-days) and a ‘game-day’ (weekend).
These programs require an official NVTC Player Level Assessment to be eligible for registration.
Please contact us (604-983-6483) to receive a Junior programs brochure which outlines the entire Junior Pathway and includes the current dates, times and prices.
Watch how we teach young children the fundamentals of tennis.
Level Advancement
Upon mastering certain skills, players will be informed by coaching staff when they are ready to graduate to the next program. Players may request to participate in free scheduled assessment times to confirm their level. We reserve the right to withdraw any player from a program if coaching staff believe they are not at the appropriate level.
The Competitive stream is for players who have higher skills. It is built on a schedule similar to other sports (2 practice sessions an week and a weekend Coach-organized play session). This program equips players to play high-School tennis and compete in Tennis BC tournaments. There are a number of levels within the stream players can progress to.
Please contact us (604-983-6483) to receive a Junior programs brochure which outlines the entire Junior Pathway and includes the current dates, times and prices.
Players may only register for the Competitive programs if they have been approved by coaching staff through an assessment process. For Competitive program registration, please contact the Centre directly at 604-983-6483.
The North Vancouver Tennis Centre is a designated Tennis Canada Tennis Development Centre (TDC). The Tournament Stream develops the tactical, technical, physical and psychological skills required for successful tournament play and builds a foundation for future progress. To be eligible for this stream, player must meet specific requirements.
Players from the North Vancouver Tennis Centre program have won Provincial and National titles, achieved Division 1 NCAA University Scholarships and some have even gone on to professional tennis. Please contact us (604-983-6483) to receive a Junior programs brochure which outlines the entire Junior Pathway and includes the current dates, times and prices.
Refund procedures for programs running September-December:
Withdrawals can be made either by phone (604-983-6483) or online
For a full refund, withdrawals must be made more than 7 days before the first day of the program
Withdrawals made 7 days or less prior to the first session will be will be refunded the price of the program minus one session
Please contact us if withdrawing due to injury
For Junior Competitive and Tournament programs withdrawals we require one week written notice of withdrawal (email will suffice).
We have very limited availability for private and semi-private tennis lessons. Please check our registration website for availability. Registration for these lessons opens the Tuesday of the week prior at 7:00am.
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