Walk & Hike

Walk, Hike, Run

Walking & Hiking Programs

Walking and hiking are accessible, low cost fitness activities and we can help you get moving in the right direction. View the list of local walking groups below.

NVRC walking & hiking groups

Group Walk Day / Time Phone Website / email Details
NVRC Walking Group, Level 1/2 Tuesdays
12:30 - 2:30pm
604-987-7529 Register online

Get to know our local trails and get outside with our friendly and knowledgeable walk leaders. Every week is a new adventure!

Included with NVRC's Active Pass or pay per visit

Registration required. Register online starting at 7am on Tuesday, one week before.

Registration closes Sunday prior to the walk at 6pm.

Trail Trekkers Wednesday/Friday mornings &
Monday evenings
604-987-7529 Schedule

This hiking group explores the trails of the North Shore at an intermediate pace.

Included with NVRC's Active Pass or pay per visit

Registration required. Register online starting at 7am on Tuesday, one week before.


Community groups

Group Phone Website / email Details
North Shore Hikers 604-324-3380



Hiking, snowshoeing, cycling & back-country skiing throughout the Lower Mainland.
North Vancouver Outdoors Club  



Organized road biking, cross-country skiing, hiking and snowshoeing car pool trips.