North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission governance structure amendments & new community engagement strategy
December 5, 2023
The City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver are dedicated to delivering the best public recreation and culture experiences in the most effective and efficient ways possible.
Bylaw amendments were recently approved by both Councils that revise the governance structure of the North Vancouver Recreation and Culture (NVRC) Commission effective January 2024. The Commission will then be comprised of two elected members and one senior staff person from both the City and the District, and NVRC’s Director, Recreation & Culture. These changes align with the end of the current terms of appointed citizen and school district representatives, and will result in the Commission being reduced from 11 members to seven.
These changes were enacted to increase alignment with municipal initiatives and priorities; and to streamline decision-making processes, particularly related to decisions requiring Council approval such as budgets, cost-sharing, grant policies, strategic plans, service changes and facility planning.
In conjunction with these changes and in recognition of the importance both District and City Councils place on citizen input, NVRC is enhancing and formalizing community engagement efforts through a new strategy. The strategy includes increased opportunities for all residents – including diverse and under-represented voices – to provide feedback and suggestions to NVRC, and for arts, recreation and sport organizations to connect with the Commission through a new engagement process.
NVRC Commission was established in 1970 through agreement between the City and District, and enables joint planning and delivery of municipal recreation and culture services. The authority to determine the governance structure, composition and mandate of the Commission lies with City and District Councils.